Building Blocks of Civil Society

Fostering Unity and Camaraderie in a Decentralized Country

Bosnia and Herzegovina shares many of its challenges in the development of a stable civil society with its neighbors. DTCare recognizes the birthing pains of civil society as a regional program, and we want to address and mitigate these underlying challenges alongside our local partners to promote unity and solidarity in a post-conflict and politically divisive society. DTCare’s targeted initiatives are designed to identify and promote unifying elements in a decentralized country through communal projects, community building, civics education, mapping of peace-building strategies, and re-establishment of cross-cultural dialogue.

Bosnia and Herzegovina shares many of its challenges in the development of a stable civil society with its neighbors. DTCare recognizes the birthing pains of civil society as a regional program, and we want to address and mitigate these underlying challenges alongside our local partners to promote unity and solidarity in a post-conflict and politically divisive society. DTCare’s targeted initiatives are designed to identify and promote unifying elements in a decentralized country through communal projects, community building, civics education, mapping of peace-building strategies, and re-establishment of cross-cultural dialogue.

DTCare and the AWC "Bosnian Beasts" Unite Former Yugoslav Republic Athletes for Second Annual Visoko Arm Wrestling Tournament

The AWC "Bosnian Beasts" and DTCare Sarajevo held the Second Annual Charity Arm Wrestling Tournament in Visoko in August 2023. The international tournament featured around 50 competitors from former Yugoslav republics, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Slovenia. The tournament aimed to promote underrepresented sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina while engaging young people in humanitarian activities. It also provided Mubekir Zilić, the BiH champion in arm wrestling, with the opportunity to officially register AWC "Bosnian Beasts" and attract competitors from neighboring countries to foster peace and understanding and promote tourism in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dr Amer Smailbegovic

As a prominent international expert for government and trans-national projects on crisis management, environmental assessment, and geospatial sciences, Dr. Smailbegovic acts as a technical advisor for DTCare. His expertise is currently focused in the Western Balkans to assist with the rehabilitation of a post-conflict society.

By working with Dr. Smailbegovic, DTCare gains insight into the real-world challenges Bosnians face and the local cultural, economic, and political situation to design programs that will have a long-term positive impact on the communities we are working with to aid and uplift.

Dr Smailbegovic’s concept paper “using an interdisciplinary, hands-on approach” outlines “a gradual primer designed for emergency professionals that would prepare them for a phased roll-out of a command, control, and communications center within their community, region, or even on a national level.” (Smailbegovic, A., Korajlic, N., and Fejzic N., 2021)


The Concept of Operations Centers, Communications Nodes, and Incident Command Management in Bosnia & Herzegovina